@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00010428, author = {KITANO, Motoo and HIRANO, Masato and ISHIHARA, Takashi and HASHIMA, Taketomo and UMEMURA, Eri and YOSHIDA, Aichi and HATTORI, Shosaku and UEDA, Naoko and OHNO, Motonori}, journal = {南太平洋海域調査研究報告=Occasional papers}, month = {2016-10-28}, note = {A histopathological study of the lesions caused by sublethal doses of Trimeresurus flavoviridis (Tf) venom injected into the anterior thigh muscle (quadriceps femoris muscle; QFM) of rats was done. A dose of 50 μg of Tf venom (crude venom, and three kinds of the phospholipase A2 isozymes of Tf venom; [Asp49]PLA2, BPI and BPII) produced a large area of necrosis in QFM. Myonecrosis was evident 30 minutes after the injection, and over the following 72 hours the necrotic muscles remained acellular and devoid of inflammatory reaction except at the very edge where liquefaction necrosis associated with inflammatory infiltrate was marked from the beginning. Blood vessels in and around the necrotic foci were often involved in inflammatory changes and thrombosis, to some degree. However, marked hemorrhage was never noted. Phagocytosis of debris proceeded from the periphery, and after 24 hours the muscle was replaced by granulaion tissue containing many regenerating myoblastic cells. Interestingly, the myonecrogenic Tf venom itself may cause marked and extensive activation of muscle fiber regeneration, and the venom seems to be a great myotoxin but not a hemorrhagenic toxin for the rat., SECTION THREE: PEOPLE-NATURE INTERACTIONS: Report 5}, pages = {105--111}, title = {NECROSIS AND REGENERATION OF THE SKELETAL MUSCLE WITHOUT A MARKED HEMORRHAGE INDUCED IN THE RAT BY ENVENOMATION OF TRIMERESURUS FLAVOVIRIDIS VENOM AND ITS COMPONENTS, PHOSPHOLIPASE A2 ISOZYMES}, volume = {38}, year = {} }