@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00010485, author = {藤木, 卓 and 寺嶋, 浩介 and 森田, 裕介 and 古賀, 雅夫 and 全, 炳徳 and 中村, 千秋 and 西山, 敏明 and 浦田, 武}, journal = {南太平洋海域調査研究報告=Occasional papers}, month = {2016-10-28}, note = {Our project about enhancement and progress of isolated island education using ICT was established in order to contribute to the area of isolated island. Because an ability of school children advances through applying the ICT to school education, and we need to resolve various problems raised by folding a lot of isolated islands in our prefecture. In this paper, we described briefly a report of our project activity that is the background of project and purpose, the members, the related project, the outline, the progression and schedule and the future plan.}, pages = {65--68}, title = {ICT活用による離島教育の充実・発展に関するプロジェクト報告(長崎大学)}, volume = {45}, year = {} }