@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00010517, author = {戸谷, 真之 and Toya, Masayuki}, issue = {345}, journal = {材料}, month = {Jun}, note = {The initial development of anti-plane strain yielding from a crack in an infinite elastic body was represented by a continuous distribution of screw dislocations on two planes inclined at angles ±βπ to the crack plane. The relevant stress function of the system was obtained in a closed form by the complex variable method. The slip line length and the crack tip opening displacement were obtained as functions of the applied stress and β. A comparison with the corresponding plane strain model gave similar results for βπ≈70°. The stress field near the crack tip was also discussed. When βπ<90°, the shearing stress acting ahead of the crack tip was bounded. In particular, for βπ≈70°, τ_, was about 3τ_0, where τ_0 is the yield stress in shear, in agreement with the result from continuum plasticity.}, pages = {541--546}, title = {面外せん断クラックの先端から進展するすべり帯}, volume = {31}, year = {1982}, yomi = {トヤ, マサユキ} }