@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00010754, author = {中村, 薫 and NAKAMURA, Kaworu}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {Electron microscopic experiments were carried out to define the structural characters of the peculiar cells containing the PAS-positive granules in the periphery that located on the ventroposterior of the supraoesophageal ganglion of the prawn, Penaeus japonicus B.. After the fixations of 5% glutaraldehyde - 0.1 M s-collidine (pH7.5) and 2% osmic acid - 0.1 M s-collidine the specimens were dehydrated by the acetone series and then embedded in the epon 812. For the observation the staining method of the uranium acetate-lead citrate was treated after glass-knife cutting. Ultrastructures of the cells are as follows: The rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum is not much developped. Prevailed smooth surfaced ER and the tubular cristae of mitochondria suggest the unexpected metabolism of lipid. The border glias of the cells sink their processes into the cells and near to the PAS-positive granules in some cases. The granules show the low electron density and possess no limiting membrane. Therefore considering together another previous results of histochemical experiments it seems that the substance may be a neutral mucopolysaccharide in a broad sense and non produced by the secretory functions of the cells. In addition it would be suggested that the glias participate with the cells in their procedures of the production or the accumulation of the substance., 1. クルマエビの食道上神経節の腹面後部細胞集団に所在するPAS細胞に関して,5%グルタルアルデヒド・0.1M s-コリジンおよび2%オスミウム酸・0.1M s-コリジンの固定を 行ない,酢酸ウラン・クエン酸鉛重染色の後,電子顕微鏡による観察を行なった。 2. 当該細胞は粗面小胞体の発達が悪く,滑面小胞体の予想以上の発達とミトコンドリアの管状クリステ構造が特徴的であることから神経分泌的機能の存在は否定的であり,むしろ脂質代謝の占める位置が無視できぬことを窺わせる。 3. PAS顆粒に関しては,限界膜を備えず電子密度の低いこと等から細胞内小器官の分泌機能に由来するものではなく,細胞内に産生・蓄積された広義の中性粘液多糖類であろうと解釈され,当該顆粒の産生・蓄積過程においては周縁グリヤの関与も想定され得る。}, pages = {1--7}, title = {クルマエビの神経分泌に関する研究 XII : PAS細胞の微細構造}, volume = {27}, year = {1978} }