@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00010811, author = {日高, 富男 and HIDAKA, Tomio}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {The seawater samples were collected from 1m, 25m, 50m, and 100m depth layers at 8 stations along center line of Kagoshima Bay, at 17 times of selected seasonal interval, during 1977 to 1984. The heterotrophic bacterial cells in the samples were estimated with plate count method by surface spreading. The microbial cell counts were most abundant at inner area of the bay in horizontal distribution, and were most at 1m depth layer in vertical. They were more abundant on spring and summer than autumn and winter in seasonal change. The range of bacterial numbers in the seawater samples was 10-10^<3> cfu/ml. These results mean that the seawater at the sampling stations of Kagoshima Bay has not been polluted very much as yet., 鹿児島湾の湾奥,湾央,湾口および湾外を通して8定点を設け,各定点における所定深度から海水を採取した。供試海水は,海水寒天平板塗抹培養(20~25°C, 6日間)法によって従属栄養細菌の生菌数(cfu/ml)を算定した。その結果,細菌数は湾奥部に多く,次いで湾口部,湾央部,湾外の順に少なくなっていた。また,鉛直的には表層(1m層)に多く25m層,50m層はやや少なく,100m層では明らかに減少していた。季節的には,春季,夏季に多く,秋季に減少しはじめ,冬季に少なかった。これら細菌数の変動の範囲は10~10^<3>cfu/mlであって,それらを海域の栄養階級区分基準に照らしてみれば,鹿児島湾内各調査定点海域は貧栄養域ないし富栄養初期の段階に類する。そして鹿児島湾沖合では,汚濁はあまり進んでなかった。}, pages = {85--96}, title = {鹿児島湾における細菌分布の季節変動}, volume = {33}, year = {1984} }