@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00010816, author = {中村, 薫 and NAKAMURA, Kaoru}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {The experiments were carried out preliminarily in order to investigate the neurosecretion of the prawn, Penaeus japonicas B.. The microanatomical observations were conducted to clarify their numbers and their constructional situations of the cells groups located on the supraoesophageal and the optic ganglions. The groups were, then, refered to the PAS-positive substances. From the results, the groups are divided into 7 or 8 based on their localizations. The former groups are named, here, as follows; 1) medulla externa (m. e.) large dorsal, 2) m. e. small dorsal, 3) m. e. internal, 4) corpora pedunculata (c. p.) dorso-external 5) c. p. dorso-internal 6) c. p. ventro-external and 7) c. p. ventro-internal. The latters are similarly as; 1) anterior, 2) ventro-anterior, 3) ventro-middle,4) ventro-posterior, 5) lateral, 6) posterior, 7) ventral- and 8) dorsal-olfactory lobes. The granules were observed at least in the cells of the m. e. small dorsal, the anterior and the ventro-posterior. The colloidal was found in the pars distalis x-organi. And that, both the substances showed the PAS-positives. It seems that the granules of the ventroposterior have a possibility to be neurosecretory products, depending on the appearances in the peripheries and the axons of the cells.}, pages = {173--184}, title = {クルマエビの神経分泌に関する研究I : 食道上および眼柄内神経節に分布する神経節細胞集団の位置的関係}, volume = {23}, year = {1974} }