@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00010899, author = {KANAMORI, Masaji and 金森, 政治}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Feb}, note = {(1) In order to investigate the under-water resistance of the fixed-net in the running water, the force acting on the sand-bag-ropes of the model-net was measured by two aparatus ; one of them was an analytical balance, another was the wire-resistance-strain-meter. That strain meter is water-tight, having high sensitivity, and is newly-devised by the writer for the sake of this experiment. And the model-net was made according to the full-scale one, in which the length of the rope was made to be a fraction of the original one, while the angle to the water-bottom was kept equal to that of the actual case. (2) It was ascertained that the force acting on the fixed-net was to be adequately expressed in the following equation,, R=Cρ/2S_0(1-kV)V^2, Here, k is the coefficient of the net-deformation, and C is the coefficient of the drag influenced by the factors except the deformation. Therefore in any fixed-net, the approximate value of the drag at any current velocity came to be easily computed. While the current-velocity is lower than 18 cm/sec, the value of k is 0.025~0.045, and that of C is approximately 6.3×10^{-4}. (3) (a) As to the net whose net-foot detatches itself from the water bottom, the hydrodynamic force on the net and its direction were counted. It was ascertained that the vertical component of it is the lift acting on the net, and that the horizontal component of it is the drag on the net, and this is equal to the horizontal component of the force on the rope. (b) In the one whose net-foot attatches itself to the water-bottom, it was ascertained that besides the force acting on the sand-bag rope, there is another force on the net-foot, and that this works as a kind of downward force. These are the phenomena which have been left unobserved hitherto.}, pages = {145--180}, title = {On the Physical Analysis of the Fixed-fishing-net Resistance}, volume = {8}, year = {1960} }