@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00011030, author = {西元, 諄一 and NISHIMOTO, Jun-ichi}, issue = {2}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {Three kinds of fishes, mackerel, yellow-tail and bream were used as materials. Whole fishes were frozen in a sharp-freezer and stored in a cold box at -10 and -20°C. Aliquot samples were examined at varying times during six months' period of storage. In general, the amount of mono- and di-amino fraction nitrogen and of total nitrogen in extracts from stored frozen fishes progressively decreased in early period of storage, and became unchangeable after two or three months' storage. Mono- and di-amino nitrogen, however showed scarcely any change in the amount during six months' storage. The extractive nitrogen in bream was less in amount than in mackerel or yellow-tail. Extractive nitrogen content barely showed any variation with the change in the storage temperatures. It is suggested that the amino-nitrogen content does not necessarily show a close relationship with the change of taste which occurs during the storage., マサバ,ブリおよびアオダイを凍結後,-10°Cおよび-20°Cで貯蔵し,一定期間ごとにそのエキス中の各種窒素量を測定し,つぎの結果を得た。 1.全窒素,モノおよびジアミノ区全窒素量は概して貯蔵日数の経過にしたがって減少したが,2~3ヵ月貯蔵から平衡になった。 2.モノおよびジアミノ態窒素はほとんど変化しないかまたは減少し,ある期間後は平衡になった。 3.白身魚のアオダイでは,赤身魚のマサバ,ブリよりエキス全窒素および各区分全窒素量は少なく後者のほぼ1/2の値を示した。 4.貯蔵温度によるエキス中の各種窒素量の変化は,顕著な差がみられなかった。 5.凍結魚の食味とアミノ態窒素量とはかならずしも平行的関係にはないようであった。}, pages = {152--157}, title = {魚類の凍結貯蔵中におけるエキス窒素の変化}, volume = {11}, year = {1962} }