@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00011148, author = {YAMANE, Seiki and 山根, 正気 and TANO, Tadashi and 田埜, 正}, issue = {1}, journal = {南海研紀要, Memoirs of the Kagoshima University Research Center for the South Pacific}, month = {Dec}, note = {The genera Pararrhynchium, Rhynchium and Anterhynchium in the Ryûkyû Islands (Nansei-shotô) are revised. One new species and 7 new subspecies are described. New forms are Pararrhynchium tsunekii, Rhynchium quinquecinctum nambui, R.q.murotai, Anterhynchium flavomarginatum hanedai, A.f.amamense, A.f.sulphreum, A.f.insulicola, and A.f.procella.}, pages = {119--132}, title = {Studies on the genus Anterhynchium and its related genera of the Ryûkyû Islands, Japan (Hymenoptera, Eumenidae)}, volume = {4}, year = {1983} }