@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00011152, author = {永浜, 伴紀 and NAGAHAMA, Tomonori and 藤本, 滋生 and FUJIMOTO, Shigeo and 菅沼, 俊彦 and SUGANUMA, Toshihiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {南海研紀要, Memoirs of the Kagoshima University Research Center for the South Pacific}, month = {Oct}, note = {Starch samples were prepared from three typical tropical tuber crops, two varieties of each: Yam (Guam, Wild and Cultivated), Taro (Oahu in Hawaii, wet- and Dry-land), and Cassava (Semarang in Java, Bitter and Sweet), in our laboratory. These starch samples were examined for the size and shape of granules, X-ray diffraction pattern, iodine coloration, swelling power, solubility, amylogram and other properties. Generally, the starch examined was characteristic of each tuber crop species, but there were similarities between the two varieties of each. Yam starch was small, 2-3 μm in size, and its X-ray diffraction pattern was a B-type in contrast to Taro and Cassava starches being an A-type. The starch-iodine absorption spectra of Yam starch indicated that the amylose content was low and the chain length was relatively short. On gelatinization, Yam starch was extremely high in swelling ability and was also very hard to break. Taro starch was small, resembling the Yam starch and had very high values in whiteness and yield. The other properties of Taro starch were found to be intermediate between those of Yam starch and Cassava starch. Cassava starch granules were relatively large, gelatinized easily, and seemed to be soft in its structure., 熱帯の代表的ないも類であるヤムイモ(グアム島産;野生種,栽培種),タロイモ(オアフ島産;水田,畑地),およびキャッサバ(ジャワ島産;苦味種,甘味種)から,同一方法で澱粉を調製した。これらの各澱粉につき,粒の形状,X線回折図形,ヨウ素呈色,膨潤力,溶解度,アミログラム,その他について測定し,それぞれの特性を比較した。3種のいもの間には明確な相違点がみられたが,同一種のいもでは品種間の差は小さかった。ヤムイモの澱粉は小形(平均2-3μm)で,X線回折図形は他の2者と異なりB型であった。アミロース含量が低く(平均9%)その鎖長も短いように思われた。また,糊化に際してはきわめて大きく膨潤するが,こわれにくい澱粉であることなどがわかった。タロイモ澱粉はヤムイモ澱粉と同様の小粒で,収率が最も高く(約30%)白度も高い。澱粉の性質はヤムイモ澱粉とキャッサバ澱粉のほぼ中間に位置した。キャッサバ澱粉は,3者のうちでは最も大形で糊化しやすく,やわらかい粒構造をもっていることが示唆された。}, pages = {1--10}, title = {ヤムイモ,タロイモ,およびキャッサバの澱粉について}, volume = {6}, year = {1985} }