@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00011153, author = {KATAYAMA, Tadao C. and 片山, 忠夫 and SHINAGAWA, Akio and 品川, 昭夫 and HIGASHI, Teruo and 東, 照雄}, issue = {1}, journal = {南海研紀要, Memoirs of the Kagoshima University Research Center for the South Pacific}, month = {Oct}, note = {The agricultural environment of the back land of Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture, i.e., upland factors and cropping systems were discussed on the basis of references and observation in the area. There is a rapid consumption and a high turnover rate for organic matter, nutrients, minerals. To improve soil preservation, it is recommended utilization of natural topographical features and plants is more suitable than building artificial structures. Plants with a tap root and deep-rooted trees are good examples of natural stabilization structures. In comparison to the agricultural practices dominated by hand labor and small machines, procedures utilizing large machines are disadvantageous, because they increase the amount of times the land remains bare and they reduce the necessary elasticity in farm practices. It is recommended to increase the agricultural development cautiously to preserve the environment and to keep the local population consensus.}, pages = {37--55}, title = {Agricultural Environment of the Back Land of Nagura Bay, Okinawa Prefecture}, volume = {6}, year = {1985} }