@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00011228, author = {HATTA, Akio and 八田, 明夫 and YUWAKI, Yasutaka and 湯脇, 泰隆 and NISHI, Toru and 西, 徹 and MASUMITSU, Sunao and 益満, 侃 and HIGASHI, Masataka and 東, 政能}, journal = {南太平洋海域調査研究報告, Occasional papers}, month = {Oct}, note = {Oceanographical surveys and studies of planktonic foraminiferal assemblage were carried out in Nov. 1989. Plankton were collected in the west Pacific on a voyage from Kagoshima, Japan to Lae in Papua New Guinea, and the water temperature and salinity were noted. The basic purpose of this study was to consider the ecology and environment of living planktonic foraminifera. Recent planktonic foraminifera provide much information on fossils, and fossils of planktonic foraminifera preserved in strata are very important when considering the geological age and palaeoecology of the strata.}, pages = {72--81}, title = {Planktonic Foraminiferal Assemblages and Meridional Hydrographic Sections in the West Pacific Ocean}, volume = {20}, year = {1990} }