@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00011268, author = {SATO, Masayuki and 佐藤, 昌之 and NAKAYAMA, Hirofumi and 中山, 博史 and FUKUKURA, Yoshihiko and 福倉, 良彦 and NAKAJO, Masayuki and 中條, 政敬 and NAGATA, Toshiyuki and 永田, 俊行 and TABATA, Kazuhiro and 田畑, 和宏}, issue = {1-2}, journal = {鹿児島大学医学雑誌, Medical journal of Kagoshima University}, month = {Sep}, note = {We report a case of ectopic middle mediastinal thymoma in an asymptomatic 50-year-old woman.Chest X-ray, CT, MRI and FDG-PET/CT examinations were performed preoperatively. The tumor was removed by video-assisted thoracic surgery, and the pathological diagnosis was type B3 thymoma of the World Health Organization classification and stage II thymoma of the Masaoka clinical staging system.Postoperatively, she received adjuvant radiotherapy of 50 Gy. Ectopic middle mediastinal thymomas are extremely rare with only nine previous case reports. This is the first case of type B3 ectopic middle mediastinal thymoma. Imaging features of our ectopic middle mediastinal thymoma was similar to the usual thymomas in the antero-superior mediastinum except for its very rare location., 稀な中縦隔原発異所性胸腺腫の一例を経験したので,文献的考察を加えて報告する.症例は無症状の50歳代女性で,検診時の胸部X線写真にて異常が指摘され,精査加療目的に紹介受診された.術前にCT,MRI,FDG-PET/CTによる精査が施行された.胸腔鏡下手術(VATS)が施行され,WHO分類type B3,正岡病期分類Ⅱ期の異所性胸腺腫の最終診断となった.術後には50 Gyの放射線治療が追加された.過去の文献では中縦隔原発異所性胸腺腫は9例の英文報告があるのみで,type B3 胸腺腫の報告はない.存在部位は非常に稀であるが,本症例を含め,画像的な特徴は通常の前縦隔原発の胸腺腫と同様であった.}, pages = {13--20}, title = {Ectopic Middle Mediastinal Thymoma : A Rare Case Report and Review of the Literature}, volume = {64}, year = {2012} }