@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00011521, author = {Yamamoto, Masashi and 山本, 雅史 and Kubo, Tatsuya and 久保, 達也 and Tominaga, Shigeto and 冨永, 茂人}, issue = {5}, journal = {園芸学会雑誌}, month = {}, note = {Self-incompatibility and compatibility of 65 citrus accessions were determined by pollen tube growth in the style. Lemon was self-compatible whereas the six pummelos and seven out of 11 its relatives were self-incompatible. Furthermore, among sour oranges and their relatives, two out of six accessions were, likewise, self-incompatible as were one out of five sweet orange and their relatives. Every yuzu and its relatives, except hyuga-natsu, were self-compatible. Of the mandarin and its relatives, 14 out of 28 accessions were self-incompatible, whereas calamondin, a kumquat relative, and Hedzuka daidai of diverse origin were self-compatible. Thirty-one out of 65 accessions used in this study were self-incompatible. Of the self-incompatible accessions, clementine and ‘Ariake’, a hybrid of navel orange and clementine, were cross-incompatible. Thus, the incompatible genotypes of those two accessions were considered to be identical., カンキツにおける自家不和合性は結実不良の原因となることもあるが,単為結果性が備わった場合には無核果の生産につながる重要な形質である.そのため,本研究では主としてわが国原産のカンキツ類65種・品種(以下,品種と略)を供試して,その自家不和合性について解明するとともに,血縁関係のある自家不和合性品種間の交雑不和合性についても検定した.なお,不和合性は花柱内の花粉管伸長によって検定した.レモンは自家和合性であった.ブンタンでは6品種すべて,ブンタン類縁種では11品種中7品種,ダイダイおよびその類縁種では6品種中2品種,スイートオレンジおよびその類縁種では5品種中'ありあげ'のみの1品種,ユズおよびその類縁種では5品種中ヒュウガナツのみの1品種,マンダリンおよびその類縁種では28品種中14品種が自家不和合性であった.キンカン類縁のシキキツおよび分類上の位置が不詳の辺塚ダイダイは自家和合性であった.すなわち,本研究で供試したカンキツ全65品種中31品種が自家不和合性であった.交雑不和合性はクレメンティンとその後代である'ありあけ'との正逆交雑でのみ認められ,両者の不和合性に関する遺伝子型が一致していると推定できた.}, pages = {372--378}, title = {Self- and Cross-incompatibility of Various Citrus Accessions}, volume = {75}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ヤマモト, マサシ and クボ, タツヤ} }