@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00011583, author = {濵田, 恭子 and HAMADA, Kyoko}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学医学部保健学科紀要, Bulletin of the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University}, month = {Mar}, note = {地域を中心とした精神保健サービスとはどういうものなのかを知る目的でイタリアの精神保健改革から30年以上たった今でも、改革の父フランコ・バザーリアの哲学と志が脈々と受け継がれ、障害があってもなくても暮らしやすい共生社会が実現されていることが分かった。また、イタリア地域精神保健に携わる人々の話から、共生社会を実現していくためには、単に当事者の生活の場の転換を図るということだけでなく、まず我々自身が、今現に関っている対象を見つめなおし、その根底にある自らの人間観やケアの考え方を深く検討していくということからはじめることが必要であると考える。, To observe community-based mental health services, we visited three Italian cities, Trento, Venice, and Trieste, without psychiatric hospitals. The visits revealed that these cities have communities that have created and maintained convivial communities in which people with or without disabilities can live together comfortably. These communities are based on the philosophy and minds set out by Franco Basaglia who established the Italian mental health reforms more than 30 yaers ago. Talks with peoplw who engage in community-based mental health in Italy revealed that simply changing people care and residence is not sufficient for caregivers of peoples with disabilities to re-evaluate their work and people through an in-depth analysis of their views on human nature and care of others that from the basis of their practice.}, pages = {5--14}, title = {精神科病院のないイタリアの町を訪れて}, volume = {23}, year = {2013} }