@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00011610, author = {佐々木, 修 and Sasaki, Osamu and 湯田, 敦彦 and Yuda, Atsuhiko and 植木, 健至 and Ueki, Kenji}, issue = {2}, journal = {日本作物学会紀事}, month = {}, note = {塊根の肥大特性の異なる甘藷品種シロユタカとミナミユタカを材料として, 生育の進行に伴う茎葉の発達形態と塊根肥大との関係を明らかにし, さらに品種による特徴の差異を比較した. シロユタカは生育初期に茎葉の発達が著しく促進されたが, これは移植後30日から60日にかけて株元に形成された1次分枝および2次分枝の生長が著しいことによるものであった. これに対してミナミユタカは2次分枝の形成がごく少なく, 茎葉の初期生育はシロユタカに劣っていた. その後, 1次分枝の枯死による乾物重の減少はあるものの, 生育後期までシロユタカの茎葉はミナミユタカより優勢であった. このことに対応して, 塊根の肥大もまた生育初期からシロユタカが優り, その差は生育が進むにつれて拡大する傾向となった. 一方, 株元近傍における分枝の発達と主茎基部直径の増大との間には密接な関係が認められ, 1次分枝および2次分枝を多数形成するシロユタカの方が直径の増大はより著しかった. また, このような直径の増大は2次維管束幅の増大によるものであった. 以上のことから, シロユタカではより早い時期に株元近傍に分枝が多数形成することによって生育初期の茎葉の発達が優勢となり, このことが塊根の肥大にとって有利に働いたのではないかと推察された. また, これと関連して主茎基部直径の増大が物質転流の上から意義があるのではないか考えられた., This study was conducted to present a quantitative analysis of the branching pattern of the sweet potato over growth time and its varietal differences of the two cultivars, Shiroyutaka and Minamiyutaka. 1. Primary and secondary branches in Shiroyutaka were developed significantly during 30 to 60 days after planting. Most of such branches were formed at the base of the plant, and they tended to have grown more rapidly than in the branches formed on the other part of the plant axes. In Minamiyutaka, on the other hand, branching ability was relatively low, especially very few branches were formed at the base of the plant. Based on the difference in such a branching habit of the two cultivars, the dry matter of the vegetative top in Shiroyutaka showed heavier than that of Minamiyutaka through all the growth period. 2. The diameter at the base of the main stem was observed to increase in close relation to the development of the branches formed at the base of the plant. Shiroyutaka, compared with Minamiyutaka, increased its diameter significantly during the growth periods of both primary and secondary branches. This increase was owed mainly to the increase in the secondary vascular tissues. 3. The tuberous root yields in Shiroyutaka were higher than in Minamiyutaka through each time of the growth stage. Based on these results, it is suggested that early development of the branches formed at the base of the plant promoted the growth rate of the vegetative top and the yield of tuberous roots. Additionally, the increase in diameter at the base of the main stem might have some advantage in relation to the translocation of the substance.}, pages = {157--162}, title = {甘藷の地上部の発達と塊根形成との関係 : 第3報 分枝系の発達とその品種間差}, volume = {62}, year = {1993}, yomi = {ササキ, オサム and ユダ, アツヒコ and ウエキ, ケンジ} }