@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00012259, author = {長, 勝史}, journal = {鹿兒島大學農學部學術報告=Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University}, month = {2016-10-31}, note = {Recently, conspicuous water pollutions have been prevailing at the public water bodies in the farming areas ; wherein, serious considerations should be paid to the water quality in the agricultural water. Generally speaking, clarification of such water pollutions might be carried out by the self-purification mechanism in a water basin. However in this case, as a sort of the prerequisite, the existence of oxygen is necessary for the biochemical decompostion and the nitrification of nitrogen. The present experimental investigation were carried out to clarify the relationships between reaeration and hydraulic factors of the drop flow set in the open channel. The main findings in the present study may be summarized as in the following : 1. Reaeration capacity in the drop flow is to be expressed by eq.(10). This is to say that reaeration from the atmosphere increase in proportion to the increasing of the energy of drop flow. 2. In the practical channel in which discharges are quite prominent, production of more bulky reaeration capacity in drop flow may be expected, in comparison with that in case of the uniform flowing.}, pages = {37--41}, title = {落差工における再曝気能力に関する研究}, volume = {47}, year = {} }