@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00012611, author = {久米村, 明 and KUMEMURA, Akira and 寺岡, 行雄 and TERAOKA, Yukio and 竹内, 郁雄 and TAKEUCHI, Ikuo}, journal = {鹿児島大学農学部演習林研究報告, Research bulletin of the Kagoshima University forests}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Objective of this study was to investigate the above-ground biomass and stand structure of six unmanaged Mōsō bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) stands in Kagoshima Prefecture. At field plots established in each stand,DBH,culm height and clear length were measured,and sample culms were selected according to diameter distribution and felled for biomass measurement. After weighing the fresh culm and leaf and branch weight of sample culms,the same parts were re-weighed after being completely dried to calculate the biomass of the bamboo stands. The results from the field investigation were that culm densities were from 5,000 to 6,130 culms/ha,average DBHs were from 10.4 to 13.9cm,average culm heights were from 13.5 to 18.1m,and clear lengths were from 6.3 to 10.6m. There was little difference in crown length between the plots. Dead culms had almost the same culm size and density as living culms. There were strong allometric relationships between square DBH(D²) and culm biomass,and between D² and branch and leaf biomass. The above-ground biomass of 83 to 147t/ha was a relatively low value compared to other areas in western Japan,due to the low culm densities. In addition,there was significant correlation between the basal area and above-ground biomass of unmanaged Mōsō bamboo stands., 鹿児島県内の放置モソウチク林の林分構造と地上部現存量を明らかにすることを目的とし6つの調査プロットにおいて,胸高直径と稈高,枝下高を測定した。次に,直径分布に偏りがないよう,古竹を9本程度,新竹を6本程度選木し伐倒し,伐倒竹の生重量測定後,稈と枝葉の一部をサンプルとして持ち帰り,絶乾重量を測定した。その結果,林分構造は,立竹密度が5,000~6,130本/ha,平均胸高直径が1O.4~13.9cmの範囲にあり,平均稈高は13.5~18.1m,平均枝下高は6.3~10.6mであった。枝の枯れ上がりは認められず,枝条部長はほぼ一定であった。また,枯死稈は生存稈と同程度の大きさであり,樹木林分にみられるような被圧による枯れではないと推察された。胸高直径の2乗と稈重量および枝葉重量との相対成長関係には地域や林分による分離が認められず,古竹と新竹別に複数のプロットを取りまとめて一本の回帰式で表すことができた。地上部現存量は83~147t/haであり,西日本地域の報告例と比べてやや小さく,立竹密度の影響が考えられた。さらに,胸高断面積合計と地上部現存量との聞には有意な相対成長関係が認められた。}, pages = {1--8}, title = {放置モウソウチク林の林分構造と地上部現存量}, volume = {36}, year = {2009} }