@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00012627, author = {ICHITANI, Katsuyuki and FUKUTA, Yoshimichi}, journal = {南太平洋海域調査研究報告=Occasional papers}, month = {2016-10-31}, note = {Some native crop cultivars planted in small islands differ genetically from those planted in other regions in Japan. Among such genes conferring genetic heterogeneity in small islands, Hwc2 gene in rice was examined. Frequency of Hwc2 gene has showed a latitudinal cline of Japonica types of the insular region. In this study, first, linkage analysis of Hwc2 locus was performed. Hwc2 gene cosegregated with ph gene on rice chromosome 4. This result was consistent with our previous study. Then, the significance of the chromosomal region of the Hwc2 locus and the genetic heterogeneity of crops in small islands are discussed., SECTION TWO: PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY: Report 2}, pages = {31--36}, title = {GENETIC HETEROGENEITY FOUND IN CROPS PLANTED IN SMALL ISLANDS}, volume = {38}, year = {} }