@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00012780, author = {柏田, 研一 and 金澤, 昭夫 and 手島, 新一}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {2016-10-31}, note = {Succeeding to the previous experiment, the production of folic acid by intestinal bacteria of carp was studied. In the 1st experiment, 4 groups of carp were fed respectively on the following diets : (A) complete diet devised bv HALVER, (B) diet deficient in both folic acid and ρ-aminobenzoic acid, (C) diet deficient in folic acid, and (D) diet supplementing 1% of sulfanilamide to the diet B. After being fed on the test diets for 10 days, the folic acid concentration in intestines was determined immediately after death, to the contrary, a part of intestine was incubated at 25°C for 6 hours, and similar determination was done. In the 2nd experiment, hourly fluctuation of folic acid content in the intestine was examined on the 4 groups. In the 1st experiment, it was ascertained that the highest content of folic acid was observed in the intestines of carp fed on the diet A, while the less content in the other 3 groups : B, C, and D. Accordingly, the vitamin seems to be increased readily during incubation. As shown in the 2nd experiment, folic acid was present in intestinal canal after feeding 3 hours in all experimental groups, and its concentration reached a maximum after 6 hours. After being incubated for the more times, the vitamin content decreased markedly. From these results, it may be seen that folic acid is synthesized by intestinal bacteria of carp.}, pages = {185--189}, title = {魚類の腸内細菌によるビタミンB群の消長VI : コイの腸内細菌による葉酸の生産}, volume = {20}, year = {} }