@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00012794, author = {WADA, Seiji and 和田, 清治}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {1. Pinctada maxima inhabits the Oshima Strait (Lat. 28°10'N ; Long. 129°16'E), where the water temperature will go down to about 20°C in winter. This is the northern limit of the distribution for the species. 2. In the Strait, the molluscs, though yet found very sparingly, survive for years in a healthy condition, growing to a large size. This suggests a possibility of cultivation in the area of this economically important animal. 3. It would seem likely that the animals have come from the southern, more densely populated are a , drifted by currents in their larval stage. Culture experiments show the free swimming period extends 4 to 5 weeks or longer, which may be long enough to explain the aberrant distribution., 大島海峡(北緯28°10')には僅かながらシロチョウガイ Pinctada maxima (JAMESON) が生息する。採取された貝はすべて大形のもので良い成長を示していた。生息数は極めて少いと考えられるので、そこで発生したものでなく、海流等の極めて特異な条件の時に偶々幼生が漂着したものであろう。幼生の浮游期間は飼育実験の結果から4~5週間と推測される。大島海峡はこの種類の分布の北限であり、冬期水温は20°C前後になるが、シロチョウガイが長期間健康な状態で生息していることから、この産業的に重要な貝の養殖に我が領土内唯一の適地となる可能性がある。}, pages = {79--83}, title = {Occurrences of Maxima Pearl Oyster in the Oshima Strait, Amami-Oshima, a Northern Limit of the Distribution}, volume = {9}, year = {1960} }