@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00012951, author = {SHINOMIYA, Akihiko and 四宮, 明彦 and SUZUKI, Hiroshi and 鈴木, 廣志 and OKI, Kimihiko and 大木, 公彦 and TSUKAHARA, Junzo and 塚原, 潤三 and TANABE, Kazushige and 棚部, 一成 and NARUO, Augusto}, journal = {南太平洋海域調査研究報告, Occasional papers}, month = {}, note = {Photographing Nautilus and other organism gathering around bait, and analysis of species composition and their searching and feeding behavior were carried out. Nautilus appeared on almost every occasion and showed active feeding behavior. Nine species of Crustacea, two of Echinodermata and six of Pisces also appeared, and showed active food search and feeding behavior.}, pages = {31--39}, title = {Underwater Still Camera Works in the Habitat of Nautilus off the Southeast Coast of Koror, Palau}, volume = {27}, year = {1995} }