@phdthesis{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00014084, author = {Long, Tran Thanh}, month = {2018-07-06, 2018-03-22, 2018-03-22, 2018-07-06}, note = {博士論文全文, 最終試験結果の要旨, 論文審査の要旨, 博士論文要旨, The part of this thesis is originally based on: Long TT, Hang TML, Koriyama C, Futoshi U, Akiba S. The association between high birth weight and the risks of childhood CNS tumors and leukemia: an analysis of a US case-control study in an epidemiological database. BMC Cancer 2017, 17(1):687 DOI: 10.1186/s12885-017-3681-y}, school = {鹿児島大学}, title = {An analysis of a US case-control study on the association between high birth weight and the risks of childhood CNS tumors and leukemia}, year = {} }