@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00014120, author = {牧野, 文洋 and 東, 政能 and 幅野, 明正 and 東, 隆文 and 有田, 洋一 and 武田, 篤史 and 那須, 佳奈子}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {}, note = {Kagoshima Maru, which is one of the training ships of the Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University, was built in March 2012. She is a training ship for the new-generation, which carries on board the latest instruments for oceanographic observation and navigation. On its first-time foreign voyage, the "Kagoshima Maru cruise, Ocean Navigation 2012", the total number of persons on board was 52 (27 crew members, 1 professor and 24 cadets). This cruise was conducted in the period lasting from August 10 to September 25, 2012. The ship called at Honolulu port, Hawaii U.S.A. from September 3 to 7, in order to get its supply of fuel oil, fresh water and perishable foods. Hereby we report about the state of things and Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) formalities conducted in Honolulu port.}, pages = {31--34}, title = {2012年かごしま丸ホノルル入港報告}, volume = {62}, year = {2013} }