@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00014220, author = {山本, 直子 and YAMAMOTO, Naoko and 水野, 昌美 and MIZUNO, Masami}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学医学部保健学科紀要, Bulletin of the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University}, month = {Mar}, note = {要旨 「小児看護学概論」の授業科目で平成29年度学術交流締結校学生交流プログラムに参加した。学生は小児看護に関して興味のある事柄(学習テーマ)を持って参加した。研修を通して,医療を含めた文化等の類似点,相違点を確認していた。教員は今後も講義や課外活動を通して学生が異文化理解,外国語に触れる機会を益々増やす努力をする必要があると考える。, As a part of the course “Pediatric Health Sciences’’, students in the School of Health Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine at Kagoshima University in Japan, jointed the student exchange program with Chung-Ang University in South Korea. The exchange students participated in classes at the Chung-Ang University and visited university hospital to understand more about nursing systems in South Korea. This report, seeks to share what students learnt through this program. Students recognized cultural similarities and differences between Japan and South Korea, especially in medical fields. Accordingly, the professors at Kagoshima University should make efforts to increase opportunities and educate students about cross-cultural understanding and foreign languages through lectures or programs. This would help students play an important role in contemporary global society.}, pages = {47--53}, title = {平成29年度学術交流協力締結校学生交流プログラム参加報告 : 韓国中央大学校赤十字看護大学との交流}, volume = {28}, year = {2018} }