@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00014228, author = {奈良, 進弘 and NARA, Nobuhiro and 関本, 充史 and SEKIMOTO, Mitsushi and 楠本, 直紀 and KUSUMOTO, Naoki and 扇, 浩幸 and OHGI, Hiroyuki and 谷, 隆博 and TANI, Takahiro}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学医学部保健学科紀要, Bulletin of the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University}, month = {Mar}, note = {123名の訪問および通所リハビリテーション利用者のQCIQ(Quality of Community Integration Questionnaire)の結果に基づき,高齢者の参加の状態とそれに影響する要因の検討を行った。客観的側面であるCIQ得点については,要介護度との関連を示唆する結果を得たが,主観的側面であるQCIQ得点については,要介護度との関連を否定する結果であった。個人の意思や意見が反映される参加の領域は,機能や活動遂行といった領域とは独立して評価していく必要性が示唆された。客観的側面と主観的側面の間に生じた乖離は,介護を多く必要とし,参加が制約されていたとしても,その参加状態に満足する高齢者が多いためと考えられた。高齢者の地域での参加の支援に際しては,このような参加の側面について配慮する必要があると考えられた。, In an aging society, one of the most important challenges is supporting participation of the elderly in their familiar community. Research on the state of participation of the elderly and their degree of satisfaction with their participation, however, is yet to be widely pursued. To prepare a system for supporting participation among elderly people in their familiar community, we used the Quality of Community Integration Questionnaire (QCIQ) to investigate the participation status and satisfaction of elderly who used community rehabilitation services. The participation status of the elderly and the factors that affect them were examined based on the results of 123 community rehabilitation services users’ questionnaire scores, comprising an objective and a subjective sub-score. For the Community Integration Questionnaire (CIQ) sub-score (objective), the relevance with the level of care requirement was suggested; however, for the QCIQ sub-score (subjective), such relevance was not detected. The dissociation between the objective and subjective aspects of participation was thought to have occurred because many of the elderly people in this study were satisfied with their current level of participation, even though their limited participation required support and assistants. It is necessary to establish an assessment method for the subjective aspect of participation. Moreover, these related characteristics of participation are key to supporting participation of the elderly in their familiar community, and should be considered.}, pages = {109--117}, title = {地域高齢者における参加の評価 : QCIQ(Quality of Community Integration Questionnaire)を用いた試み}, volume = {28}, year = {2018} }