@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00014734, author = {蒋, 奇武 and JIANG, Qiwu}, journal = {地域政策科学研究, Journal of the Doctorate Studies in Social Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper, focus on the analysis of the Chinese movement around the implementation of the Japanese Emperor's visit to China before the previous night of this visit, to explore the relationship between the process of Japanese Emperor’s visit and the changes in Sino-Japanese relations. On the occasion of his visit to Japan in 1978, Deng Xiaoping first proposed the Japanese Emperor's visit to China. Taking this as an opportunity, the issue of Japanese Emperor’s visit to China was officially put on the agenda of Sino-Japanese diplomacy. Since then, after 14 years of negotiations between China and Japan, the visit was finally realized in 1992. Japanese Emperor’s visit to China is closely related to historical issues, which are a matter of principle in dealing with Sino-Japanese relations. In addition, the implementation of Japanese Emperor's visit to China is also a process of Japan and China making adjustments and negotiating about their own strategic interests. Exploring the solution to the long-standing unsettled case between China and Japan can provide an important clue for understanding the inside information of changes in Sino-Japanese relations after 1972. Based on the above points, this paper will examine the implementation of Japanese Emperor's visit to China based on the connection of the issue of Japanese Emperor's visit to China with other diplomatic issues between Japan and China (Historical issues, ODA issues, etc.) and China's domestic politics. The analysis will be conducted in three periods: The first period is from 1970s to late 1980s, which focuses on China's attitude toward the Emperor Showa's overseas visits, the background of China's invitation for Emperor Showa, and the whole plan of the Crown Prince’s visit to China. The second period is from the death of Emperor Showa in January 1989 to the former Chinese Premier Li Peng’s visit in Japan in April. This part mainly deals with the impact of Japanese Emperor’s substitution on the issue of Japanese Emperor's visit to china. The third period is from the outbreak of the Tiananmen Incident in June 1989 to the enthronement ceremony of Emperor Akihito in November 1990, in which the impact of these two events is analyzed on the Japanese Emperor's visit to China. To conclude, the paper aims achieve three goals. First, the implementation process of Japanese Emperor's visit to China is reproduced. Second, the main obstacles are made clear during the negotiation of the Emperor's visit to China, especially the significance of the Emperor's war responsibility. Third, the turning point is confirmed in the realization of the Japanese Emperor's visit to China., 本稿の目的は,天皇訪中問題をめぐる日中関係について,中国の動向を中心に分析し,同問題が日中関係の変化とどのように関連していたかを明らかにすることにある。 1978年の鄧小平訪日の際の天皇への訪中招請をきっかけとして,天皇訪中問題は日中外交の舞台に登場した。その後,十四年間にわたり,度重なる交渉を経て,1992年に天皇訪中がようやく実現した。 戦後の日中関係の重要な問題の一つが,かつての戦争を中心とする歴史問題である。天皇訪中問題は,この歴史問題と結びついた象徴的な問題であった。また,訪中実現に至るまで,天皇訪中をめぐる日中双方の戦略的利益と結びついた調整のプロセスでもあった。さらに,同問題も日中間の長年の懸案であり,国交正常化以降の日中関係の変化の内実を知る上でも重要な案件であった。 これらのことに注目して,本稿では天皇訪中問題を日中間の他の外交的課題(歴史問題やODA問題など)との関連,中国国内の政治との関連に着目し,同問題の歴史的な経緯を明らかにする。具体的には,以下の三つの時期に沿って分析を行う。 第1の時期は,70年代から80年代後半までで,昭和天皇の海外訪問,中国による天皇訪中招請の打診,そして皇太子の訪中計画を中心に分析する。第2の時期は,1989年1月の昭和天皇の死去から4月の李鵬訪日までで,天皇の代替わりが天皇訪中問題に対して与えた影響を分析する。第3の時期は,天安門事件の勃発から「即位の礼」までで,この二つの出来事が天皇訪中にどういった影響を与えたのかについて分析する。 これらの分析によって,第1に,天皇訪中実現までのプロセス,第2に,天皇訪中における阻害要因とその中での天皇の戦争責任問題がもった意味,そして第3に,天皇訪中を実現に向かわせた転換点を明らかにする。}, pages = {33--59}, title = {日中関係における天皇訪中問題 : 天皇訪中前夜に至る中国の動向を中心に}, volume = {16}, year = {2019} }