@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00015111, author = {高山, 耕二 and TAKAYAMA, Koji and 平野, 里佳 and HIRANO, Rika and 園田, 大地 and SONODA, Daichi and 中村, 南美子 and NAKAMURA, Namiko and 大島, 一郎 and OSHIMA, Ichiro and 中西, 良孝 and NAKANISHI, Yoshitaka}, journal = {鹿児島大学農学部農場研究報告, Bulletin of the Experimental Farm Faculty of Agriculture,Kagoshima University}, month = {Mar}, note = {平飼い条件下での薩摩黒鴨™の産卵性に関する基礎的知見を得ることを目的とし,産卵率,孵化率および卵質について検討した.2017年12月23日から2018年6月21日にかけて,鹿児島大学農学部附属農場内動物飼育棟において飼養試験を行った.180日齢の薩摩黒鴨™12羽(♂3,♀9)を14㎡の飼育スペースで市販成鶏用配合飼料(粗タンパク質含量15%,代謝エネルギー含量2,800kcal/kg)を不断給与しながら群飼した.180~360日齢における薩摩黒鴨™の産卵率は79.2%であった.受精率は97.0%,対受精卵孵化率は77.1%であった.薩摩黒鴨™ 卵に占める卵黄の割合は,市販鶏卵のそれに比べて有意に大きく(P<0.05),その化学成分では薩摩黒鴨™卵の水分含量が市販鶏卵より有意に低く(P<0.05),タンパク質含量が有意に高かった(P <0.05). 以上より,薩摩黒鴨™ の産卵能力および繁殖能力は他のアヒル類よりも高く,その卵質は鶏卵とは異なることが示された., The objective of this study was to obtain fundamental information on the egg productivity of Satsuma Black Aigamo duckTM (SBA) under floor flock feeding condition. Twelve SBA ( ♂ 3 , ♀ 9 ) were raised on a commercial layer diet (crude protein 15 % , metabolizable energy 2,800 kcal/kg) ad libitum in a duck shed at the experimental farm of Kagoshima University for 180 days (180-360 days of age). The egg production rate of SBA during the experiment was 79.2%. The fertility was 97.0%, and the hatchability of the fertilized eggs was 77.1%. The proportion of yolk to total egg weight of SBA was significantly larger than that of commercial chicken (P<0.05). As for chemical composition of yolk, SBA eggs contained significantly less moisture and more protein than commercial chicken eggs (P<0.05). These results indicated that SBA has a higher egg productivity compared with other ducks and egg quality of SBA is different from that of commercial chicken.}, pages = {19--21}, title = {平飼い条件下での薩摩黒鴨TMの産卵性}, volume = {40}, year = {2019}, yomi = {タカヤマ, コウジ and ヒラノ, リカ and ソノダ, ダイチ and ナカムラ, ナミコ and オオシマ, イチロウ and ナカニシ, ヨシタカ} }