@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00015114, author = {大島, 一郎 and OSHIMA, Ichiro and 廣瀬, 潤 and HIROSE, Jun and 冨永, 輝 and TOMINAGA, Akira and 飯盛, 葵 and ISAKARI, Aoi and 柳田, 大輝 and YANAGITA, Daiki and 石井, 大介 and ISHII, Daisuke and 松元, 里志 and MATSUMOTO, Satoshi and 片平, 清美 and KATAHIRA, Kiyomi and 中村, 南美子 and NAKAMURA, Namiko and 高山, 耕二 and TAKAYAMA, Koji and 中西, 良孝 and NAKANISHI, Yoshitaka}, journal = {鹿児島大学農学部農場研究報告, Bulletin of the Experimental Farm Faculty of Agriculture,Kagoshima University}, month = {Mar}, note = {鹿児島県内で排出された甘藷および麦焼焼酎粕発酵飼料(以下,焼酎粕発酵飼料)の肉用繁殖雌牛用飼料としての有効性を検証するため,舎飼いの黒毛和種経産牛に制限給与した場合の焼酎粕発酵飼料の飼料特性および繁殖性に及ぼす影響を検討した.空胎の供試牛6頭(4~6才,1~3産)を平均体重が等しくなるよう2区に分け(各区3頭),維持要求TDNの23~30%を市販配合飼料で代替給与する対照区および甘藷または麦を原料とする焼酎粕発酵飼料で代替給与する焼酎粕発酵飼料区を設けた.両区の供試牛において,粗飼料としてイタリアンライグラスサイレージを飽食させた.試験期間中,体重および体尺値を毎月測定した.試験期間383日間のうち,試験開始後228日間で発情周期を調査し,その後の155日間で妊娠に要する種付け回数を調査した.試験期間中,両区の体重に有意差は認められず,体尺測定値もほぼ同等であった.供試牛の発情周期は対照区で44日,焼酎粕発酵飼料区で30日と後者で有意に短かった(P<0.05).両区の受胎率は同等であった.以上より,甘藷および麦焼酎粕を原料とする発酵飼料を繁殖牛の維持要求TDNの30%まで給与しても,体重,体尺測定値および繁殖成績に悪影響を及ぼさず,飼料として十分利用可能であることが明らかとなった., The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of fermented feed made from Shochu distillery by-product (SDBP: sweet potato- and barley-SDBP) feeding on health and fertility of Japanese Black cows. Non-pregnant six cows (age: 4–6 years old, parity: 1–3) were divided into two groups, one was fed commercial concentrate at 23-30% of TDN requirement (control group) and the other was fed the fermented feed made from SDBP (fermented feed-SDBP) at same percentage of TDN requirement of control group (fermented feed-SDBP group). Roughage, water and mineral were ad libitum-fed in both groups. During the experimental period (383 days), the estrus cycle was investigated by observing behavior, vulva and mucus in early 228 days (non-mating term) and the number of Artificial Insemination required for pregnancy was also examined in later 155 days (mating term). There were no differences in the body weight and body scale between both groups. The estrus cycle of fermented feed-SDBP group (30 days) was significantly shorter than that of control group (44 days), but conception rate was not different between both groups. In conclusion, the fermented feed made from SDBP can be substituted for 30% of TDN requirement of breeding cows.}, pages = {11--15}, title = {焼酎粕発酵飼料給与が黒毛和種繁殖牛の繁殖性に及ぼす影響}, volume = {41}, year = {2020}, yomi = {オオシマ, イチロウ and ヒロセ, ジュン and トミナガ, アキラ and イサカリ, アオイ and ヤナギタ, ダイキ and イシイ, ダイスケ and マツモト, サトシ and カタヒラ, キヨミ and ナカムラ, ナミコ and タカヤマ, コウジ and ナカニシ, ヨシタカ} }