@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00015115, author = {叶内, 宏明 and 山崎, 正夫 and 鞍掛, 文 and 木村, 郁夫 and 大塚, 彰}, journal = {鹿児島大学農学部学術報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University}, month = {Mar}, note = {奄美大島で飼育される固有の黒豚(島豚)と北米産LWD三元交雑種(北米産白豚)の食感に関わる物理的特性と味に関わるアミノ酸および脂肪酸組成を比較した。加熱した肉の破断応力は北米産白豚に比べて島豚で1.3倍高く,生肉の伸展率は島豚で有意に低かった。島豚は北米産白豚に比べて硬い肉であることが示された。肉の美味しさと正の相関を持つオレイン酸の割合が島豚で高い傾向にあり,島豚の美味しさとの関係が示唆された。一方,旨味に関係するグルタミン酸,甘味に関係するセリンおよびアラニン含量は島豚で有意に低いことから,島豚の味の濃さは北米産白豚よりも薄いことが示唆された。肉の硬さおよびアミノ酸含量に影響する因子として屠畜後の熟成が関係するが,島豚は熟成されることなく販売されており,肉の熟成の有無が今回の結果に影響していると考えられる。, In the present study, we analyzed the meat quality of Amami island black pig (AB) and compared it with LWD three-way cross pig produced in North America (LWD). Meat quality was evaluated using physical characteristics, amino acid concentrations, and free fatty acids composition. The breaking strength of boiled meat of AB was 1.3 times higher than that of LWD. The stretchability of raw AB meat was significantly lower than that of raw LWD meat. The finllness of AB meat was higher than that of LWD meat. The concentration of oleic acid in AB meat was higher than that in LWD meat. The high oleic acid concentration may be related to the quality of AB meat, as it has a positive relationship with meat sensory quality. The high oleic acid concentration may be unique to AB meat. The concentrations of glutamic acid, serine, and alanine were significantly lower in AB meat than in LWD meat, and these amino acids are related to umami or sweetness. The concentrations of other free amino acids were also relatively lower in AB meat. The results can be attributed to the processing of AB meat, which was not subjected to the aging process. The high firmness of and low free amino acid concentrations in AB meat were related to the aging process.}, pages = {1--6}, title = {奄美島豚の肉質評価に関する研究}, volume = {70}, year = {2020} }