@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00015223, author = {曽根, 晃一 and SONE, Koichi and 冨吉, 啓太 and TOMIYOSHI, Keita and 大久保, 恵介 and OHKUBO, Keisuke and 林崎, 泰 and HAYASHIZAKI, Dai and 平田, 令子 and HIRATA, Ryoko and 畑, 邦彦 and HATA, Kunihiko}, journal = {鹿児島大学農学部演習林研究報告, Research bulletin of the Kagoshima University forests}, month = {Mar}, note = {We studied the oviposition pattern and the population dynamics of the Japanese pine sawyer, Monochamus alternatus, on young small-sized trees of Japanese black pine wilted in 2008 and 2009. The oviposition scars were concentrated at the lower part of tree trunk, where the bark was thicker. Adult females laid eggs at about 50% (52.3% in 2008, 57.3% in 2009) of oviposition scars. Hatchability of deposited eggs was 88.9% in 2008 and 95.1% in 2009. The oviposition ratio and hatchability of eggs in this study did not differ from those reported by mature large-sized pine trees. The mortality rate of larvae under bark was 16.6% in 2008 and 48.8% in 2009. The mortality rate of the insect in the wood was 75.3% and 91.7% for the 2008 and 2009 population, respectively. The total mortality from hatch to adult emergence was 81.6% for the 2008 population and 95.7% for the 2009 population, which was higher than those reported by mature large-sized pine trees. These results suggest that young small-sized pine trees are less valuable for reproduction of the insect than mature large-sized pine trees. The situation where the insect should utilize only small-sized pine trees for reproduction since 2006 might partly explain the sudden decline in the number of the insect and the pine wilt disease in Sakurajima after 2010.}, pages = {1--8}, title = {クロマツ小径木のマツノマダラカミキリの繁殖にとっての資源的有効性}, volume = {42}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ソネ, コウイチ and トミヨシ, ケイタ and オオクボ, ケイスケ and ハヤシザキ, ダイ and ヒラタ, リョウコ and ハタ, クニヒコ} }