@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00016066, author = {山本, 雅史 and YAMAMOTO, Masashi and 寺本, さゆり and TERAMOTO, Sayuri and 喜多, 正幸 and KITA, Masayuki and 北島, 宣 and KITAJIMA, Akira and 川口, 昭二 and KAWAGUCHI, Shoji and 福留, 弘康 and FUKUDOME, Hiroyasu and 廣瀬, 潤 and HIROSE, Jun and 西澤, 優 and NISHIZAWA, Yu and 香西, 直子 and KOZAI, Naoko}, journal = {鹿児島大学農学部農場研究報告, Bulletin of the Experimental Farm Faculty of Agriculture,Kagoshima University}, month = {Mar}, note = {鹿児島県および沖縄県に位置する11島において2008年から2018年にかけて在来カンキツ遺伝資源の調査および収集を実施した.調査した在来カンキツは,甑島の9 点,黒島の11点,種子島の1 点,喜界島の4 点,奄美大島の3 点,加計呂麻島の8 点,与論島の17点,沖縄本島の14点,石垣島の1 点,小浜島の3 点および与那国島の4 点の計75点であった.調査系統ではシィクワーサーが最も広く分布しており,果実形質の多様性も確認できた.黒島のユリミカンは唯一確認できたシトロン遺伝資源であった.他にも島固有のマンダリン遺伝資源も確認できた.多様なシィクワーサーを含めて調査系統のうち主要なもの31点を鹿児島大学農学部附属農場唐湊果樹園で保存した.内訳は甑島の3 点,黒島の9 点,奄美大島の2点,加計呂麻島の1 点,与論島の5 点,沖縄本島の8 点,小浜島の2 点および与那国島の1 点である.このうち約半数がシィクワーサーであった., Investigation and collection of local citrus genetic resources grown on the islands belonged to Kagoshima and Okinawa Prefecture were undertaken from 2008 to 2018. A total of 75 samples were investigated. Their details were as follows: nine in Koshikijima, eleven in Kuroshima, one in Tanegashima, four in Kikaijima, three in Amami Oshima, eight in Kakeromajima, seventeen in Yoronjima, fourteen in Okinawa Honto, one in Ishigakijima, three in Kohamajima, and three in Yonagunijima. Shiikuwasha was the most distributed species and its diversity of fruit traits was observed. Yurimikan in Kuroshima was the only citron germplasm discovered. Some mandarin accessions could not be identified as any of the known citrus. Thirty-one accessions includes a large variety of Shiikuwasha that were considered to be important were grafted on trifoliate orange rootstock. They have been preserved at the Toso Orchard of Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University. Their details were as follows: three of Koshikijima, nine of Kuroshima, two of Amami Oshima, one of Kakeromajima, five of Yoronjima, eight of Okinawa Honto, two of Kohamajima, and one of Yonagunijima. Almost half of them were Shiikuwasha accessions.}, pages = {7--15}, title = {鹿児島県島嶼部および沖縄県の在来カンキツの調査とその保存}, volume = {42}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ヤマモト, マサシ and テラモト, サユリ and キタ, マサユキ and キタジマ, アキラ and カワグチ, ショウジ and フクドメ, ヒロヤス and ヒロセ, ジュン and ニシザワ, ユウ and コウザイ, ナオコ} }