@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00016462, author = {APITULEY, M. T. N. Yolanda and BAWOLE, Dionisius}, journal = {南太平洋海域調査研究報告, Occasional papers}, month = {Mar}, note = {In modern marketing concepts, markets are no longer positioned at the end of the process, but in the beginning of production. By that means, the ultimate goal of a production is markets or consumers. Geographical condition of Maluku which has thousands of small islands leads for its abundant fresh fish. However, characteristics of fresh fish such as seasonal and perishable, added by the distance of production and consumption center as well as inadequate facilities, resulted in the need of development of island-based marketing. The purpose of this study is to develop marketing of fresh fish in Maluku which is known as one of the archipelago provinces in Indonesia. Based on the results of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis, the position of fresh fish marketing system in Maluku is in Growth Oriented Strategy. It means that the strategy adopted in this condition should support the aggressive growth policy. These strategies are: 1) improving the infrastructures of production and marketing of fresh fish, 2) integrating facilities and infrastructures of production, marketing and processing, 3) improving skills of fisher folks in fish handling and processing, 4) increasing cooperation with financial institutions in the provision of venture capital, 5) improving function of marketing institutions and 6) establishing an agency that has a mandate to stabilize prices of fisheries products.}, pages = {9--16}, title = {Development of Fresh Fish Marketing in Maluku}, volume = {58}, year = {2017} }