@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00016473, author = {ICHIKAWA, Hidetaka and 市川, 英孝}, journal = {南太平洋海域調査研究報告, Occasional papers}, month = {Mar}, note = {Tohoku Earthquake, which occurred on March 11, 2011, was a cause of great shock, not only to Japan but to the rest of the world as well. The quake has led to a paradigm shift in terms of the use of electricity power. We must now review our nuclear power policy and change our lifestyles by imposing limitations on the use of electrical power. In the past, we have thought of nuclear power as being low cost, which is important in terms of business activities. Subsequently, we have found nuclear power to be high risk, as evident in this accident. We have to find alternatives. Nuclear power is the most effective way of generating large amounts of electricity, and it is difficult to achieve these large volumes except other energy sources.  Yakushima Island, a World Natural Heritage Site located in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, is almost completely powered by hydroelectricity. Focusing on this unique island, Kagoshima Prefecture is promoting the “Zero Carbon Emissions Island” initiative, which aims to create a developed area where carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are effectively reduced. I thus propose alternatives to nuclear power as well as a new lifestyle, using Yakushima Island as an example.}, pages = {91--96}, title = {Renewable Energy Makes Life Style Change : An Example of Yakushima Island’s Zero Emissions}, volume = {58}, year = {2017} }