@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00016630, author = {山本, 雅史 and YAMAMOTO, Masashi and 伊東, 孝峻 and ITO, Takatoshi and 川口, 昭二 and KAWAGUCHI, Shoji and 野村, 哲也 and NOMURA, Tetsuya and 福留, 弘康 and FUKUDOME, Hiroyasu and 勘米良, 祥多 and KANMERA, Shota}, journal = {鹿児島大学農学部農場研究報告, Bulletin of the Experimental Farm Faculty of Agriculture,Kagoshima University}, month = {Mar}, note = {鹿児島在来カンキツ13系統の胚数を調査した.川畑ミカンとウスカワ(キシュウミカン系統)が単胚性で,他は多胚性であった.多胚性系統のうち,辺塚ダイダイは平均胚数が1.4個と最も少なく,キミカンが41.4個と最多であった.次に,胚数と雑種実生出現率との関係について調査した.種子親のうち,桜島コミカンは単胚性で,他の6系統は多胚性であった.種子親の胚数は, 1個(単胚性)から約35個までの範囲にあった.花粉親は‘麻豆紅柚’とした.胚数の増加につれて雑種実生の出現率は低くなった.胚数が約8個では約20%の雑種実生が確認できたが,胚数が約25個以上で雑種はほとんど出現しなくなった., The number of embryos per seed was counted in 13 local citrus accessions distributed in Kagoshima, Japan. Kawabata Mikan and Usukawa (Kishu Mikan) showed monoembryony and the remaining 11 accessions showed polyembryony. Among the polyembyronic accessions, Hetsuka Daidai and Kimikan showed the lowest (1.4) and highest (41.4) number of embryos per seed, respectively. Next, the relationship between the number of embryos per seed and percentage of hybrid seedlings that emerged was investigated. Six polyembryonic accessions and monoembryonic Sakurajima Komikan were used as the seed parents. Their number of embryos per seed ranged from one to 35.‘ Mato Anyu’ was used as the pollen parent in all cross combinations. The percentage of emerged hybrid seedlings became low when the number of embryos per seed in the seed parent increased. When the number of embryos per seed of a seed parent was around eight, approximately 20% of seedlings were hybrids. However, when the number of embryos was 25 or more, hybrids hardly appeared.}, pages = {1--4}, title = {多胚性カンキツの胚数およびその雑種実生出現}, volume = {44}, year = {2023}, yomi = {ヤマモト, マサシ and イトウ, タカトシ and カワグチ, ショウジ and ノムラ, テツヤ and フクドメ, ヒロヤス and カンメラ, ショウタ} }