@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00016677, author = {MATSUDA, Daiki and 松田, 大樹 and FUJIO, Shingo and 藤尾, 信吾 and HIGA, Nayuta and 比嘉, 那優大 and YONEZAWA, Hajime and 米澤, 大 and YOSHIOKA, Takako and 義岡, 孝子 and TAKAJO, Tomoko and 高城, 朋子 and YAMAHATA, Hitoshi and 山畑, 仁志 and HANAYA, Ryosuke and 花谷, 亮典 and ARITA, Kazunori and 有田, 和徳}, journal = {鹿児島大学医学雑誌, Medical journal of Kagoshima University}, month = {}, note = {BACKGROUND: Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumors (RGNTs) are rare and slow-growing (WHO grade 1); they mainly involve the posterior fossa. We here report a rare RGNT originating from the thalamus; after subtotal removal it remained stable for more than 11 years. CASE PRESENTATION: A woman in her early 20s consulted us due to a 6-month history of memory difficulties, headaches, and blurred vision. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed obstructive hydrocephalus and an 18-mm non-cystic third ventricular tumor that arose at the right thalamus. It was isointense on T1-wighted images, highintense on T2-weighted images, and non-enhances T1-weighted images. Through a right trans-ventricular subchoroidal approach we made subtotal resection of the soft tumor, leaving a small remnant attached to the posterior thalamic wall. Histologically, the tumor was composed of an alveolar component that included rosettes surrounding cores of eosinophilic neuropils or small vessels and a solid component resembling pilocytic astrocytoma. The cells composing the rosettes were positive for olig-2, MAP, and synaptophysin. The Ki-67 index was around 1%. Postoperatively her symptoms disappeared, and she commenced her engineering career. MRI performed 11.3 years after the surgery found the absence of recurrence. CONCLUSION: This RGNT is quite unique because it arose from the thalamus, very rare site from which RGNTs originate, and remained stable for more than 11 years after subtotal resection., ロゼット形成性グリア神経細胞腫瘍は稀な腫瘍で,緩徐に発育し(WHO grade 1),後頭蓋窩に好発する.我々は,亜全摘出後11年以上再発なく経過する,視床を起源とした稀なロゼット形成性グリア神経細胞腫瘍を経験したため報告する.患者は20歳代前半の女性で,6カ月前からの記憶障害,頭痛,霧視を自覚し当科を受診した.Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)では閉塞性水頭症,18mmの右視床から生じた非嚢胞性第三脳室腫瘍を認めた.病変は,T1強調像で等信号,T2強調像では高信号を呈し,ガドリニウムによる造影効果は認めなかった.右側からのtrans-ventricular subchoroidal approachにより,視床後壁にごく少量の遺残を残して,柔らかい腫瘍を亜全摘出した.組織学的には,周囲に好酸球性神経細胞性コアや小血管コアを伴うロゼットを含めたalveolar component,および毛様細胞性星細胞腫に類似した充実性成分で構成されていた.ロゼットを構成する細胞は,Olig-2,MAP,synaptophysinが陽性で,Ki-67 indexは1%であった.術後,症状は消失した.術後11年3か月後のMRIでは再発なく経過していた.本症例は,ロゼット形成性グリア神経細胞腫瘍の発生部位としては稀な視床から発生し,亜全摘出後11年経過しても再発なく経過している点において,極めて稀な症例である.}, pages = {12--19}, title = {Thalamic rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor stable for more than 11 years after subtotal removal: Case report and review of literature}, volume = {75}, year = {2023} }