@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:02000228, author = {程, 茗 and Cheng, Ming}, journal = {地域政策科学研究, Journal of the Doctorate Studies in Social Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {十八世紀中葉以来,明清笑話集の訳解と漢文体笑話の創作が京阪を中心とした唐話学者の間で一世を風靡し,その影響は二十世紀初頭まで続いている。『訳準開口新語』や『訳準笑話』など,江戸期における漢文体笑話集については,その編纂意図,笑話の影響関係及び創作特徴の面から論じられているが,明治期における漢文体笑話集,特に『文明笑話』に関する研究が十分に及んでいない。本稿は藤田久道によって編纂された明治初期の漢文体笑話集『文明笑話』を取り上げ,その編纂意図,笑話の出典と特徴及び笑いの質を検討する。序と引の内容からみると,本書の編纂意図は遊び心で笑話を創作するとして娯楽性を強調しているということがわかった。本書には笑話集『笑府』,『笑林広記』と随筆集『東坡志林』『五雑組』の笑話など,江戸小咄の「十文字」「浪人」と漢文体笑話集『訳準笑話』の笑話と影響関係がある。同時に,本書は近世日本における漢文体笑話の創作特徴を継承・発展して,笑話には中国古典の人物や名句など中国的な要素だけでなく,日本語の独特な言語遊戯や日本の歴史と文化を反映する日本的な要素も頻繫に活用している。また,明治維新による文明開化を題材に,様々なジャンルの笑話を創作しており,漢文体笑話の創作の境界を広げているのが本書の特徴である。日本読者に熟知されている中国的な要素は笑話の背景を構築する一方,日本的な要素は核となる「オチ」の効果を果たしているという『文明笑話』の笑話の構造的特徴を明らかにした。, Since the mid-18th-century, translations and interpretations of joke collections during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, as well as the creation of jokes written in classical Chinese, have been all the rage among the Japanese scholars who studied classical Chinese in the Kyoto-Osaka region, the influence of which lasted until the early 20th century. In the Edo period, the collection of classical Chinese jokes is usually discussed in terms of its compilation intention, influence and creative features, such as Yakujun Kaikō Shingo and Yakujun shōwa. However, research on classical Chinese joke collections is not deep enough in the Meiji period, especially the Bunmei shōwa. This paper focuses on the Bunmei shōwa compiled by Fujita Hisamichi in the early Meiji period, exploring its compilation intent, the sources and features of the jokes, and the nature of the humour. Based on the contents of the preface and introduction, it is apparent that the compilation intent of the Bunmei shōwa is to create a playful attitude and emphasize the entertainment of jokes. The jokes in the Bunmei shōwa are not only related to the jokes in Xiao Fu and Xiaolin Guangji of classical Chinese joke collections, Dongpo Zhilin and Wuzazu of essays but also “Jumonji” and “Rōnin” of the Edo brief jokes and Yakujyun shōwa. Meanwhile, the Bunmei shōwa inherits and develops the creative features of modern Japanese-style jokes written by the classical Chinese, which contain Chinese elements such as Chinese classical characters and allusions, and widely use unique language games in Japanese and Japanese elements that reflect the Japanese historical and cultural background. Besides, based on the “Bunmei-kaka” under the background of the Meiji Restoration, the author created various jokes and widened the creative boundary of classical Chinese jokes. This paper also reveals the structural characteristics of the jokes in the Bunmei shōwa, which is that the Chinese elements familiar to Japanese readers constitute the background of the jokes. In contrast, the Japanese elements achieve the core “laugh” effect.}, pages = {77--96}, title = {明治の漢文笑話集『文明笑話』考}, volume = {21}, year = {2024} }