@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00002230, author = {不破, 茂}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {2016-10-27}, note = {To obtain sone foundmental information on the phase of fishery in Shibushi Bay, some investigations were made into the small-trawl fishery, one of the most important fisheries in Shibushi Bay. Auther examined the catch, its composition and its fishery-ground. 1. In the composition of catch, shrimp is conspicuous in autumn and squid is remarkably conspicuous in winter. 2. It was ascertained that the concentration of fishery was not confined to a specific area but was transferred to a few areas with an interval of short period. This seemed to be caused by the impossibility to carrt on a specific area. 3. Productivity in the offshore area was more stable than that in the coastal area. The coastal area seemed to be anursery ground of marine animals living in Shibushi Bay., 志布志湾における小型底びき網漁業は志布志湾の水揚量の約10%を占めて本海域における重要な漁業種の一つであり,主としてエビ類,底魚類を対象として操業している.著者は本漁業の現状を把握するために本漁業の漁獲物組織あるいは季節による漁場の変遷等の実態を調査していくらかの知見を得たので報告する.}, pages = {125--135}, title = {志布志湾の小型底びき網漁業について漁場及び漁獲物}, volume = {25}, year = {} }