@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00002249, author = {植村, 寿子 and UEMURA, Hisako and 染川, 賢一 and SOMEKAWA, Kenichi and 隈元, 実忠 and KUMAMOTO, Sanetada}, journal = {鹿児島大学工学部研究報告, The research reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University}, month = {Oct}, note = {Using Na-A, Na-X and Na-P type zeolites obtained from SHIRASU, the adsorptions of several divalent metal cations were investigated. It is an interesting point that the products from the short crystalization times had high adsorptional abilities in comparison with the zeolite - contents measured by the X-ray method. The adsorption quantities (meq/g) and orders by each zeolites were as follows ; Na-A; Cu^<2+>(3.8) > Cd^<2+> > Mg^<2+>, Zn^<2+> > Mn^<2+> > Co^<2+> > Ni^<2+>(1.4) Na-X; Cu^<2+>(2.3) > Cd^<2+> > Mg^<2+> >Zn^<2+>, Ni^<2+> > Co^<2+> > Mn^<2+>(1.5) Na-P; Pb^<2+>(4.4) > Cu^<2+> > Cd^<2+> >Zn^<2+> > Mn^<2+> > Co^<2+> > Mg^<2+> >Ni^<2+>(1.0) The Na-A ordinarily had the larger capacities than others. Their adsorption isothermers were confirmed to be consisted with Langmuir's one and the adsorption abilities were considered to be mainly influenced by radius of hydrated metal ions and by the sodium contents of zeolites. The influences of co-existing anions and metal cations and the pH conditions of the medium for the adsorptions were also examined.}, pages = {145--151}, title = {シラスゼオライトの合成とその利用(第3報) : シラスゼオライトによる金属イオン吸着}, volume = {24}, year = {1982} }