@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00002252, author = {竹下, 寿雄 and TAKESHITA, Toshio and 前田, 滋 and MAEDA, Shigeru and 今吉, 盛男 and IMAYOSHI, Morio and 早水, 裕之 and HAYAMIZU, Hiroyuki}, journal = {鹿児島大学工学部研究報告, The research reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University}, month = {Sep}, note = {The amounts of the falling ashes and rain which were collected by the British Standard Deposit Guage, and those of the sulfur oxides which were adsorbed on PbO_2-candle were determined every month. The determination was made for twenty locations of Kagoshima city and Sakurajima county. The filtrate of the falling ashes and rain was analyzed every month for SO_4^<2->, Cl^-, pH, and total soluble matter. On some residual samples, a grading analysis and the determination of acetone-extractive matter were made. Content of heavy metal ions in both the residual and the filtrate samples of some locations were determined. The results obtained revealed that the amount of the falling ashes in this period was nearly equal to the amount in the last period. Maximal value of the sulfur oxides adsorption was 2.89mg/100cm^<2> ・ day which was detected at Sakurajima-so in January.}, pages = {133--151}, title = {鹿児島市および桜島の大気汚染(降灰)調査(第3報) : 昭和55年度調査報告}, volume = {23}, year = {1981} }