@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00002291, author = {片岡, 千賀之}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {2016-10-27}, note = {There are two types of development process of fisheries in Japan. One is imported from Europe or U. S. A. e. g. trawl, purse seine and whale fisheries, the other is the traditional one which existed from olden times. Both of them had been related complexly, so underwent the capitalistic development in paticular. The skipjack fishery is the typical one belonging to the latter type, therefore the analysis of its development process is so important in the recognization of not only skipiack fishery alone but also the fisheries as a whole in Japan. The present study analyses the fisheries of Miyazaki, Nagasaki and Kumamoto prefectures, especially from the view point of the transition of social division of labour and the distribution of catches to crewmen in case of skipjack fishery.}, pages = {157--207}, title = {カツオ漁業史の一齣 : 宮崎・長崎・熊本県の場合}, volume = {28}, year = {} }