@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00002292, author = {肥後, 伸夫 and HIGO, Nobio and 吐師, 弘 and HASHI, Hiroshi and 後藤, 眞宏 and GOTO, Masahiro and 田畑, 静夫 and TABATA, Shizuo and 柿本, 亮 and KAKIMOTO, Makoto}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {The artificial reefs consisting of the concrete blocks and the dilapidated bodies of the used cars and so on, were set submerged, at the sea-front off Tarumizu City situated along the Kagoshima Bay. From the Autumn of 1979 to the Spring of 1970, diving observations were carried out on and around these reefs, with the following results obtained. (1) Concerning the density of the gathering fish schools, that of the school gathering around the reefs set at the uneven sea bottom was noted to be higher than that of the school gathering around the reefs set at the even sea bottom. The density of the school gathering around the reef set at the top of the submerged cliff with a sharp incline running towards the sea bottom was quite significant. (2) It was at the on-to-the-tide portion of the reef that such big sized fishes as Chrysophrys major, Oplegnathus fasciatus and Mylio macrocephalus were numerous; while such bottom fishes with high propensity for school formation as Apogon semilineatus and Navodon modestus were noted to be gathered at the off-from-the-tide portion of the reef. (3) Although the ascertainment of the effects of the fallen ashes erupted out of the volcano, named Sakurajima, was left in future, a considerable amount of the ash-deposition was noted at the specified location. What was different from the artificial reefs of the other districts was the fact that, at the upper surface of the reef, no attachment of Balanomorpha and others was to be noted., 鹿児島湾に臨む垂水市の沖合に設置してあるコンクリートブロックおよび廃車等の各魚礁を,昭和54年秋から昭和55年春にかけて潜水観察した。その結果は次のようである。 (1) 起伏の多い海底に設置された魚礁に蝟集している魚群は,平坦な海底に設置された魚礁より密度が高く,特に前面が急深となっている場合は顕著である。 (2) 魚礁の潮上にあたる部分には,マダイ,イシダイ,クロダイ等の定座性の大型魚が多い。ネンブツダイ,ウマヅラハギのような成群性の強い底魚は,魚礁の潮下の部分に多く蝟集する。 (3) 桜島の降灰の魚礁に与える影響は明らかではないが,かなりの量の堆積物を魚礁上に認めた。魚礁の上面にフジツポ等の付着していない点は,他海域の魚礁と相違する点である。}, pages = {23--35}, title = {潜水観察による人工魚礁の実態について V : 垂水市沖合海域の場合}, volume = {29}, year = {1980} }