@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00002352, author = {田ノ上, 豊隆 and TANOUE, Toyotaka and 出納, 幸人 and SUITO, Yukito and 安東, 孝也 and ANDO, Takaya and 山切, 康弘 and YAMAGIRI, Yasuhiro}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {To clarify the habitat of Portunus Pelagicus and the optimum fishing method of that, some experimental investigations were carried out on a craft in Kagoshima Bay during the term from September 1963 to February 1965. The results obtained are as follows. 1) The trinal net (Table 1) is a suitable fishing gear to catch Portunus Pelagicus. 2) Portunus Pelagicus is found in the greater part of shallow water area, 1~6m. in depth where the bottom materials are composed of sand and mud. 3) Chief fishing season of Portunus Pelagicus is confined within the term from June to October, and the water temperature appropriated for the good catch is within the range of 20~29°C. 4) Range of the cephalothorax of Portunus Pelagicus caught with the trinal net lies within 70~140 millimeters., 鹿児島湾内のタイワンガザミの生息場と漁法について調査して次のような結果を得た。1) 三重網はタイワンガザミの漁獲に適した漁具である(Table 1)。2) 鹿児島湾内の河口近くの砂地の浅所には至るところタイワンガザミが生息している。3) 漁期は4~11月で,盛漁期は6~10月である。4) 水温20°C以上の水域で活動は盛んである。5) 漁獲されたタイワンガザミの甲幅は70~140mmの範囲であり,90~120mmが最も多い。}, pages = {85--92}, title = {鹿児島湾におけるタイワンガザミの分布と漁法}, volume = {16}, year = {1967} }