@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00002370, author = {長嶋, 俊介}, journal = {南太平洋海域調査研究報告=Occasional papers}, month = {2016-10-27}, note = {黒島は3小島嶼一村でこの島にのみ2集落をなす。遠隔地島嶼だが歴史的に本土の政治的逃亡域地・遠島役割も、黒潮的南島文化も色濃い。トカラ列島からの行政分離は規模をさらに小さくし、島嶼不利益を増した。しかし3島はまとまりがつけやすい。 若者の不利性克服の取り組みと、島人口の少ないことでの結束で取り組んでいる島内・集落内ネットワーク形成、芸能文化保存や老人向け給食活動等を取り上げた。, Kuro-shima Island (literally translated as Black Island) is a remote island with deep historical traces of political exiles from the northern mainland and mixed with cultural influences from the southern islands. Kuroshima Island has tight connection with its neighboring islands Takeshima Island and Ioujima Island. Collectively, these islands are known as Mishimamura (the Village of Three Islands), in reference to the islands joining to form one village with two communities. Despite its remoteness and small size along with other disadvantages such as segregated governance from the Tokara Archipelago, its inhabitants have formed a strong community network within the island and within the village. This includes improving provisions for the young, delivering lunches to the elderly and cultural (especially performing arts which may be pacif ic origin) preservation and promotion activities.}, pages = {21--28}, title = {黒島(および昭和硫黄島)調査 : 次世代ニーズに対応した小島嶼振興事例}, volume = {51}, year = {} }