@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00002407, author = {佐藤, 政宗 and SATO, Masamune and 寺岡, 行雄 and TERAOKA, Yukio}, journal = {鹿児島大学農学部演習林研究報告, Research bulletin of the Kagoshima University forests}, month = {Mar}, note = {Domaiboku is the woody debris consisting of tree stumps, limbs, and logging residue of Yaku-sugi, a local variety of Cryptomeria japonica on Yaku Island, Kagoshima Prefecture. Domaiboku is an expensive wood because it is the only material source for the traditional Yaku-sugi wood craft. The objectives of this study were to report the production process from a historical perspective and the current problem related to sustainable production. The study included interviews with agents of the national forest agency and production enterprise and a review of the current literature. As a result, the findings indicate that a continuation of the current practices is difficult because of the high cost and scarcity of resources. In addition, there are problems associated with the assessment of timber quality and the sale of the wood. Furthermore, feasible area in Domaiboku production covers about 17% of the available land on Yaku Island. However, it is difficult to say whether the production area has decreased because the production history is non-existent. It is necessary to deliberate with respect to utilization of the Domaiboku production.}, pages = {1--7}, title = {ヤクスギ土埋木生産の変遷と現状について}, volume = {39}, year = {2012}, yomi = {サトウ, マサムネ and テラオカ, ユキオ} }