@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00002460, author = {ISHIGAMI, Sumiya and 石神, 純也 and UENO, Shinichi and 上野, 真一 and KITA, Yoshiaki and 喜多, 芳昭 and ARIGAMI, Takaaki and 有上, 貴明 and UCHIKADO, Yasuto and 内門, 泰斗 and ARIMA, Hideo and 有馬, 豪男 and KURAHARA, Hiroshi and 蔵原, 弘 and OKUNUMA, Hiroshi and 奥村, 浩 and MATSUMOTO, Masataka and 松本, 正隆 and KIJIMA, Yuko and 喜島, 祐子 and KITAZONO, Masaki and 北薗, 正樹 and NATSUGOE, Shoji and 夏越, 祥次}, issue = {3}, journal = {鹿児島大学医学雑誌, Medical journal of Kagoshima University}, month = {Jan}, note = {The authors present a case in which a patient with stage IV gastric cancer underwent R0 gastrectomy and delivered a healthy neonate three years postoperatively. The patient was 36-year-old female, who was admitted to Kagoshima University Hospital after developing epigastric pain. Endoscopy revealed type 4 gastric cancer in the middle third of the stomach. Total gastrectomy with lymphadenectomy was performed. The tumor, which was extirpated macroscopically, was found to have invaded the pancreas and localized dissemination was noted in the mesocolon. Postoperatively the patient underwent S-1 administration with withdrawal term, she noticed no recurrence noted during follow-up. After pregnancy was confirmed in April 2003, S-1 and radiological examinations were discontinued and a healthy neonate was delivered after 8 months. The patient and her child are in good health, with no evidence of recurrent tumor in 2010. As normal delivery is a rare event after diagnosis of stage IV gastric cancer, the authors present this case and discuss the relevant literature.}, pages = {47--50}, title = {Normal Delivery Following R0 Gastrectomy for Stage IV Gastric Cancer}, volume = {62}, year = {2011} }