@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00003421, author = {Nguyen, Dung Thi Phuong and Yoshikawa, Takeshi and 吉川, 毅 and Hidaka, Masayasu and 日髙, 正康 and Maeda, Hiroto and 前田, 広人 and Sakata, Taizo}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {The present study was carried out to isolate sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) from the sediments of four stations in Kagoshima Bay, Japan and to determine their phylogenetic positions based on 1 6S rDNA sequences. Sediments from Stations 1, 2 and 3 were similarly characterized as fine silt, higher moisture content (79.1 - 87.4%) and higher ignition loss (IL, 13.8 - 15.9%). On the other hand, Station 4 was quite differrent from the other stations because the sediment was composed of fine sand, with lower moisture content (30.4%) and lower IL (2.5%). However, acid volatile sulfide (AVS) contents (8.6 mg/g) and SRB density (56.0 x 103 /g) were remarkably high at Station 3 compared with the other 3 stations. The AVS contents in the cultures of strains SR-St-1-1 and SR-St-3-1 isolated from Stations 1 and 3 increased rapidly after 2 days of incubation, while that of strain SR-St-2-1 isolated from Station 2 started to increase after 4 days of incubation. The pH values of liquid cultures of the three strains increased to alkaline (pH 8.8) during the incubation period. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rDNA sequences showed that one strain isolated from Station 1 and five strains from Station 3 were most closely related to Desulfovibrio dechloracetivorans, while two strains isolated from Stations 2 and 4 have high homologies to Desulfosporosinus orientis and Desulfovibrio acrylicus, respectively.}, pages = {69--78}, title = {Isolation and Characterization of Sulfate-reducing Bacteria from Sediments of Kagoshima Bay}, volume = {55}, year = {2006} }