@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00004028, author = {石神, 純也 and ISHIGAMI, Sumiya and 角倉, 信一 and SUMIKURA, Shin-ichi and 中条, 哲浩 and NAKAJO, Akihiro and 徳田, 浩喜 and TOKUDA, Koki and 帆北, 修一 and HOKITA, Shuichi and 夏越, 祥次 and NATSUGOE, Shoji and 愛甲, 孝 and AIKOU, Takashi}, issue = {2}, journal = {鹿児島大学医学雑誌, Medical journal of Kagoshima University}, month = {Aug}, pages = {31--33}, title = {胃癌術後に十二指腸穿孔を来たした急性輸入脚症候群の1治験例}, volume = {56}, year = {2004} }