@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00004362, author = {韓, 霖}, journal = {地域政策科学研究}, month = {2016-10-27}, note = {The Qinghai provincial govemrnent implemented its policy of settlement of nomadic people to enforce environmental protection and raise farming and living standards. The impact of the policy has not only resulted in changing the economy of nomadic people,but has also the transformed their traditional culture. This paper compares three Qinghai Tibetan areas with differing settlement models,and investigates the continuation of regional development and traditional culture under the settlement policy.}, pages = {105--125}, title = {中国における遊牧民の定住化に関する考察 -青海省におけるチベット族の事例を中心として-}, volume = {7}, year = {} }