@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00004392, author = {土田, 充義}, journal = {南太平洋海域調査研究報告=Occasional papers}, month = {2016-10-27}, note = {屋久島栗生は江戸時代から重要な港で,藩の津口番所がおかれ,当初の漁村景観が維持されてきた.大規模な漁家が現存し,そのうち江戸期の住居2棟の特徴を記し,景観と共に重要な価値があることを述べた.最後に歴史を重視した町づくりの提言をした., Since Kurino on Yaku Island has been an important port from Edo period, Tsuguchi Guard Station of Satuma- Han has been established, and the landscape of the original fishing village has been preserved. In this paper, two rural houses of Edo period were selected from the existing large-scale fisherman’s houses as the research subjects. The features of these two buildings were described, and the significant value of the two houses as part of the scene was stated. In the end, a community development with emphasis on the history was proposed., SECTION ONE: HUMAN ACTIVITY: Report 3}, pages = {13--16}, title = {屋久島栗生の民家及び集落の現状と町づくりへの展望}, volume = {38}, year = {} }